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Lowtech Radio Gazette

LTRG Placeholder

Here at the Lowtech Radio Gazette we delight in providing the most infrequent, least organized, and scatter brained stream of conscious podcasts around. What we lack utterly in quality and production planning, we make up for in stride with truly quirky technicals, interesting behind the scenes Lambdacreate content, and easy to digest mini episodes! The next time you think "Gee I don't know what to listen to" tune into LTRG and come be confused with us too!

So what is the Lowtech Radio Gazette?

LTRG is a mini podcast that I'm recording, producing, and publishing directly on my Motorola Droid4. In my mind it's another technical demonstration of what you can do with old hardware and a little bit of creativity. I don't expect it to be a great audio quality in any sense, but I'll strive to refine the quality of the production as the podcast unfolds. This will be pure learning on the fly!

In exchange for quality I get a podcasting platform that fits in my pocket, and ergo can travel with me anywhere. And to succeed I need to be truly creative and evocative with my content.

General Info

  • Episode Length: 10m - 40m
  • Published On: Whim
  • RSS Feed


  • LTRG Logo: mio

Digital Zen Garden

Stuck in traffic, rambling about old tech · September 10th, 2022

If your browser doesn't support audio controls, you can snag the episode here.

I got stuck in traffic and decided that was the perfect opportunity to record the next episode of LTRG. I've been fiddling with my audio setup in the interim and am pleased to say that the audio quality should be worlds better than the first episode. Probably not perfect, but you can listen to it without straining your ears finally!

I've recently adopted a Palm t|x into my repertoire of digital devices. Yes that's right, a Palm PDA in 2022. And it's surprisingly useful (at least for me). Sure it isn't going to truly replace my smart phone, and I can't quite get the wireless to work on it despite having applied the firmware upgrade to enable the fancy EAP-TLS stuff, but that's A Ok in my book. You see, I'm an easily distracted person, and in a world of constant push notifications and push button attention grabbing design I sort of lose track of what I'm doing. The solution is obviously to turn back the clocks, not because it's practical, but because it's interesting.

A really busy PDA

Looking for Palm Stuff?

You can find an archive of roms at PalmDB, and can purchase parts or even functional PDAs from PalmDR.

  • https://palmdb.net/
  • https://www.palmdr.com/

Things Mentioned (sort of?)

  • https://www.floodgap.com/retrotech/plua/
  • https://github.com/classilla/overbitepalm

Admin Note

Thank you for all of the suggestions and advice listeners, they've been well received and sincerely considered (and hopefully applied!). I'll continue to refine the production workflow as I produce more episodes. Any and all suggestions, requests, or feedback are greatly appreciated!