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Lowtech Radio Gazette

LTRG Placeholder

Here at the Lowtech Radio Gazette we delight in providing the most infrequent, least organized, and scatter brained stream of conscious podcasts around. What we lack utterly in quality and production planning, we make up for in stride with truly quirky technicals, interesting behind the scenes Lambdacreate content, and easy to digest mini episodes! The next time you think "Gee I don't know what to listen to" tune into LTRG and come be confused with us too!

So what is the Lowtech Radio Gazette?

LTRG is a mini podcast that I'm recording, producing, and publishing directly on my Motorola Droid4. In my mind it's another technical demonstration of what you can do with old hardware and a little bit of creativity. I don't expect it to be a great audio quality in any sense, but I'll strive to refine the quality of the production as the podcast unfolds. This will be pure learning on the fly!

In exchange for quality I get a podcasting platform that fits in my pocket, and ergo can travel with me anywhere. And to succeed I need to be truly creative and evocative with my content.

General Info

  • Episode Length: 10m - 40m
  • Published On: Whim
  • RSS Feed


  • LTRG Logo: mio

The OCC Begins

Reflecting on what OCC means · July 8th, 2023

If your browser doesn't support audio controls, you can snag the episode here.

This one was recorded on my Acer Aspire ZG5 using an external Samson Q2U mic. Hopefully it sounds better than what the droid normally provides. Also hopefully it doesn't sound so much better that you won't listen to what the droid provides when it inevitably returns after our short OCC sponsored hiatus.

Like last episode, this was recorded in one take, no editing. It's just more fun this way for now.