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Back At It Again - OCC Day 2

Alpine Linux & an Acer ZG5 ยท July 8th, 2023

I've decided to try and keep an at least semi-daily blog for this years OCC, instead of trying to do one monolithic post like the last couple of years. I think the difference here is nuanced, it keeps me invested in reporting my success and failures, and feeds the creative process that I'm really yearning for lately. No promises on consistency or anything like that, just stating I'm going to be here!

Day 2

Today was pretty quiet. I spent most of the day research OSSEC and trying to wrap my head around the best way to deploy it alongside Loki/Grafana inside of a mixed Windows/Linux environment. Progress on that is steady fortunately. It's not that hard a system to understand, I'm just slowed down by the need to use lynx to access online materials. But I can do that happily and legibly, so it's not like it's a big deal. Sadly no fancy Verkos things from that, but lots of little zettels in my org-roam now exist.

Outside of infrastructure I also dug out my old Zune 120GB and tried to get it to communicate with my netbook using libmtp. Since the last time I tried this libmtp has gotten official support for the Zune, so even just connecting it allows you to skim through the data on the system and view what files, folders, etc exist on the player. But trying to send files to the Zune still requires an encryption key to exist in ~/.mtpz-data. And despite finding a couple of those keys online, I haven't gotten it to work. Maybe it's an issue with the model, most of the documentation I read was about getting the Zune HD to work with libmtp, and I feel like Microsoft was mature enough an organization to have multiple different encryption keys based on at least model.

Despite that issue, I did enjoy the old music stashed on the device. The sound quality and volume level really stand out on the Zune, it's just a really high quality device with a really nice DAC and it shows. I missed this thing, and listening to Modest Mouse and Eisbrecher for a couple hours on it was a blast. Sadly, without some way to script music transfer & organization like I currently have with mocp & mkplaylist.sh I'm not super convinced that it'll replace just porting those things over to the netbook for a week. Gotta stay comfy right?

And I guess lastly, I recorded an episode of LTRG! Exactly the opposite of what I said I'd do yesterday! It turns out that all of my recording scripts just work, and all I needed was to pull out an external mic. So since I can't just go play Battlefield or something like that, I figured I'd take the old netbook out for a podcasting spin. It was honestly a really pleasant (albeit different) recording experience. And I think it'd be pretty fun to take it out with me somewhere, Peak's Island potentially, if I could combine it with the DSC-S75 camera for one of these posts.