(λ (x) (create x) '(knowledge))

About Lambda Create

Over-engineering at it's finest ยท April 7, 2020

Welcome to Lambda Create! This little blog is the culmination of a week's worth of research and programming, with the simplest of intentions: a soapbox from which I can pontificate about all of my peculiarly over-engineered endeavors!

"Over-engineered? This is possibly the simplest looking blog I've ever seen!" you might say, but I assure you this is well outside my wheelhouse. I have always been interested in starting a blog, a place to share things I've learned, an outlet for my over active inquisitiveness would spare my friends and family from hours of me "getting lost in the weeds". But the idea of picking up a subscription plan on one of the myriad available blog platforms, and clicking through a GUI to build the blog sounded like pure and utter drudgery. Even setting up a quick WordPress server on Digital Ocean wasn't nearly enough to engage my mind. So here we are, I present to you my over-engineered blog written entirely in Lua, running on Lapis!

To get an idea of where I'm coming from, my background is not in front-end development, nor am I a Lua developer. I'm a Systems Administrator working for a local TV station, about to transition into a DevOps role in the financial sector. I've run my own company before, built out infrastructure and tooling for its help desk, and even developed an embedded statistics timer entirely in Common Lisp. I consider myself a back-end developer when I write software. Functionality trumps everything, even usability sometimes. But at the end of the day my end goal is to create something useful, and to learn while doing so. I had the same mindset with Lambda Create.

I wanted to learn, it's about time I stop being a curmudgeon and insisting upon white text on black terminals as the penultimate solution (the only thing better being some kind of neurologically embedded computer interface!). So I picked up Lua, then Fennel, then started building on top of Lapis, all for the sake of learning something. That's where the title derives from.

(lambda (x) (create x) '(knowledge))

I have no real direction, nothing so set in stone that I would name it, but I know that I am creating to generate knowledge. I'm over-engineering so that I can learn more about my career field and my passions. I see Lambda Create as an expression of my own inquisitiveness, and hope that I can share that knowledge and the software I create freely.