(λ (x) (create x) '(knowledge))

Will Sinatra

I see you've found my about page, it was previously very disappointing, it is now slightly less so. It's not nearly as cool as my 404 page or 500 page.


Outside of the long list of titles and years above I'll happily add that I approach everything with an automate first mindset. I assume if I have a task to perform then I or someone else will need to perform it later down the road. I heavily leverage devops tools such as Ansible, Terraform, and SaltStack as well as the creation of bespoke scripts in fennel, shell, or lua, DSLs in lisp, or multiple platform binaries through Golang. When it comes to infrastructure I lean heavily on docker to ease maintenance and deployment, bu can competently leverage LXD, Qemu, or physical systems to accomplish any task I'm set to. I'm particularly fond of the sound of server rooms.


All the software I write for myself I write for the community, as such I release all of the work I own under the GPLv3 license. This does not include any work done for any of my employers.

I do this because I believe that access to technology should be free and easy. I would not have the career I have today if I could not proudly stand on the shoulders of giants. This is my way of returning that favor as best I can. I cannot today count myself amongst people like Linus Torvalds, Douglas Katzman, or Russ Cox, but I hope some day that I may. And if I never attain that lofty dream I will know that I strove to support the free and open source community as best as I could throughout my career.

To date my largest contribution has been assisting with the packaging and maintenance of packages for the Alpine Linux distribution. The list of packages I maintain is extensive and grows as I discover new tools, but to date I'm most proud of maintaining SBCL, Fennel, and Clojure as well as assisting with the maintenance of Salt, Openssh, and well over a dozen other packages in the community and main repos. While I proudly laud myself here I could not make these contributions without the support of the core Alpine Linux team who has advised, assisted, and helped maintain these packages tirelessly when life has gotten too busy to handle them in a timely manner.


If you enjoy my blog, you may also be interested in this modest list of podcasts and talks I've given.


I occassionally contribute to zines, and try to keep local offline readable copies on this server. If you enjoy the content I highly encourage you to check out past and future issues, especially any & all of the wonderful submissions in which I don't appear.

If you'd like to interview me, have me present somewhere, or just want to say hello, feel free to reach out. I'd be delighted to speak with you, I'm easiest to reach via IRC on the OFTC and Libera networks as Durrendal, or via email at wpsinatra@gmail.com
